Keeping separate bedrooms with an interlinking door or on the same floor holds no appeal for the following reasons;
If a couple have disagreement, instead of making an attempt to resolve their problems in the same bedroom, out of earshot, the anger festers as each person withdraws to their separate bedrooms unwilling to communicate.
It is so much easier to fall into infidelity and keep cheating for a long time because the spouse is 'out of sight' and doesn't pick up hints quickly enough.
Many of us behave differently when we're not being observed. Watching porn, having an online affair, engaging in sex texting, phone sex etc. may take a foothold when people are alone.
Personally, I wonder why married couples who are in spiritual accord put up physical barriers by living in separate bedrooms. Why exchange the body heat of your husband or wife for empty bed coverings?
Some may argue that sleeping in different rooms allow each person their much needed space.
Learning to live with each other in the confines of same bedroom and sharing the same bed each night in peace and war helps you build a strong relationship that will stand the test of time.
What's your preference - same or separate bedrooms? Please leave your comments. I'll appreciate it.

Flirty & Feisty Romance wishes you a joyous and fruitful marriage.
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I couldn't imagine being married and sleeping apart, but that's just me, lol. What do you think of attachment parenting, where children sleep with their parents until a certain age? There are a lot of studies that link self confidence with co-sleeping. My husband and I co-sleep with our kids, which has positives and negatives. The positive - our children do seem to have a strong sense of self confidence, while the down side is that my husband and I have zero time alone together unless the kids sleep over at their grandma's house. Many different cultures practice this, too. What are your thoughts?
I don't buy into separate bedrooms. One big bed for the both of us or two beds joined together in one bedroom but separate bedrooms no way.
Jennifer, I also slept with my kids in my bed for ages until the next child came along. Even as babies they did not have cots, they slept in our bed. And I agree that my kids have lots of self confidence!
Hello Jennifer, what a different perspective you've added. Thank you so much.
I'm not a fan of my kids sleeping with my husband and me. No way! For the same reason you pointed out - it prevents the necessary bonding time with my husband at night. I also fear such children may become too clingy (or too attached).
My children slept separately from us and they are so confident and independent. But I know many parents like you who share their beds with their kids.I believe it prevents intimacy and romance heating up on a continous basis between the couple. When the children grow up, some couples struggle to build a deeply intimate relationship because they haven't had much practice. I have observed this trend in a few families. It doesn't apply in all cases.
How can I thank you enough for leaving your comment and for raising a new aspect of the discussion? Please visit again. Have a wonderful day.
Thank you, Celestine for sharing your views. I'm also all for the same bed - single, double, queen or king size. Lol!
Glad to read your response. I'm now learning that sleeping on the same bed can also build child confidence.
This is the real reason I enjoy blogging - it provides an opportunity to read varying views from amazing visitors and friends.
Have a funtastic week!!!
I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect!
I do not support couples sleeping in seperate rooms. No matter what the reasons are both should sleep on the same bed. It creates distance and distance gradually makes them familiar strangers. Your topics are so on point. Weldone.
Thank you, Omolara. Nice to have you back. You have added a new reason for same bedroom argument. Yes, I think it creates distance when couples sleep in different rooms.
Have a jolly great week, Omolara.
Thank you, Sylvia for connecting. I'll stop over on your s shortly.
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