
Saturday 20 June 2020

#BlackAuthorsMatter ~ #AuthorInterview with @septembershope

Hello Romance Lovers, 

Welcome to my New Series on Black Authors Matter. After my New Release; Longing for You: A BWWM Sweet & Steamy Romance hit Amazon #1 New Release in African Literature on June 1st 2020 and became a #1 Bestseller on 17th June 2020, I decided to start a movement to promote Black Romance Authors or Authors who write about characters of colour. 

In the coming weeks, I'm going to showcase one black romance author after another and their great books. 

Now get your favourite dessert and curl up on a comfy chair because you are about to meet the number three Black Romance Author on my list. Her name is Author Delizhia Jenkins! Delizhia was born and raised in Hawaii but now resides in California, USA. 

Author Name: Delizhia Jenkins

Book Title: 

Cain: A Vampire Hunters Academy Novel

Genre: Vampire Horror

Release Date: July 4th 2020

Drum roll please...

We want to know a bit about your family life.
Well, I am the proud mother of a beautiful thirteen- year old daughter.

What drives you to write romance stories?
I think my drive to write romance stories stems from my own desire for romance. I’m a romantic at heart and I am not afraid to admit that I do would love to experience the fairytale magic that we find in fiction. At the end of the day, I believe in love so I write about it.

Do you have hidden messages woven into your stories?

In some of my books yes. I tend to hide the esoteric with fantasy/fiction with the goal of sparking my reader’s curiosity to ask questions.

What’s the best thing about your writing and publishing routine?

It takes me away from the day to day realities of existing and surviving.

What steps did you take to publish your first book?

Well at first, I submitted the completed manuscript to as many literary agencies I could find. The feedback that I received, I looked at as training grounds for the standard set in the traditional publishing world. I eventually grew weary of waiting and decided to move forward with self-publishing, through (at the time) CreateSpace. And each book published since then has been a learning experience.

How did you come up with the idea for your recent book/Who’s your favourite character and why?

This is a tough question to provide a short answer to. On July 4th I will be releasing two books from the same series. Cain, is the first prequel to my series, The Vampire Hunters Academy. The Forsaken is the fifth book in the series moving forward. I’ve always taken interest in the spiritual, the biblical, the mythical, the fantastical, the esoteric and so forth. Cain, in my opinion is a misunderstood character in general and he needed his voice. He is also one of the main villains in The Vampire Hunters Academy series and because there are many unanswered questions as it pertains to the origin of the vampire in the series, I knew giving Cain a standalone would help the readers understand the series more.

Why should a new reader buy your book(s)?

Because I give each reader something to relate to. I breathe life into my characters. I write characters readers will think about long after putting the book down.

Marketing. I suck at marketing.

Working on a new book/project?

Always…. I have two more books scheduled for release this year.

Brag about any awards or badges.

Let’s just say my name will be remembered.

Any thoughts on Black Lives Matter Movement?
Black lives matter. Period. 

Now to the Rapid Questions:
Your ideal Partner?

Favourite place to write?
By the window.

Choice trope to read?
Can’t think of one at this time.

Preferred genre to read?
Paranormal romance.

Best time of the day to write?
Predawn hours.

One food you can’t do without?

Favourite Drink Award go to?

Best Dessert in the world?
German Chocolate Cake.

Best Movie, or TV series Award go to?
Black Lightening.

Your #1 Colour?

Perfect gift you hope to get someday?
Never really thought about it.

One fun thing you do?

Never Have I…?
Been to Greece.

Give readers your final thoughts about anything?

I love writing more than anything. It is who I am, it is how I define myself. It is something that I just didn’t wake up one day and say, “I am going to be a writer.” No. It is a gift that I knew I possessed since writing was introduced to me. As a matter of fact, I felt the magic the moment I picked up the pen. 

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Author Delizhia Jenkins.

Read the blurb of Delizhia's upcoming book, CAIN below:

Don't forget to grab a copy of any of his books!

“For it is foretold the Beast should bear an heir and the world would drown in blood. First born carries the Curse and with this Curse the earth will flood. Her sword is fierce and true, molded by fire and blessed by the Archangels. She carries the Light of the Sun and the Truth from the Heavens to restore what is lost. In the final hours, when the war between the Brothers of Light and the Brothers of Dark finds its way to earth, she will be called to lead. She is not the first
but the last for it was her first mother who paved the path. Protectors, the Sons and Daughters of Seth will act as her guide, possessing gifts from the Heavens, this huntress – for her they will fight. For this dark curse will roam the earth to and fro, and into the bowels of Hell he will go… for another heir will assume dominion once the curse is past until the final battle between what was first and what was last…”

He is known as "The Living Curse" and the progenitor of the species know as "vampire". He is the Darkness that even the shadows hide from and the plague that no man can cure. He is the prophecy of all that is to come and the sworn enemy of Huntress and angel alike. He is the beginning and has the will power and strength to survive to the very end...

His name is Cain.



Delizhia Jenkins is an Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance author who currently resides in Inglewood, CA. The love for writing began in elementary school when the passion for storytelling developed into a journey of writing. Over the years, she honed her craft for storytelling and the written word by excelling in subjects such English and English Literature; and by indulging in her favorite past time which involved reading the works of Anne Rice, K’Wan, Christopher Pike, Carl Weber, Omar Tyree and finally the late L.A. Banks. J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood also claimed her heart and author Karen Marie Moning joined the ranks of Miss Jenkins’ all time favorite authors.

Miss Jenkins began publishing in 2013 with her first African American romance novel, Love at Last. After that, it was realized that her true magic rested in her writing about the ancient, the esoteric, and the supernatural. Moreover, since 2014, after her release of Nubia Rising: The Awakening, Miss Jenkins remained true to herself and her calling. And of course, being a true romantic at heart, it was important for her to fuse romance with the paranormal with a dash of “color.”  Miss Jenkins prides herself on writing for “the woman without the fairytale” and of course bringing magic and melanin to each book she writes. 

CONNECT with Dehzilia


I'm Stella Eromonsere- Ajanaku. Before you go, please take a quick look at my New Release and some of my other hot books. 

For sure, you will laugh, cry, get an emotional thrill and drool with suspense.

If you have read any of my 32 hot romance books, please leave a review. because I love reading your comments.



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I wish you a romantic week.




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  1. Hi Delizhia, great to get to know you more through this interview. You mentioned the fact you enjoy travelling, so where is the most beautiful place you have visited?
