
Saturday 11 June 2011


Author name: LESLIE WRIGHT

About your family/background, your location:

I have been reading for over 40 years and writing for 12 years. Splintered: Sierra’s Legacy is my first completed work. I currently live in the great Northwest in the USA and am located in the panhandle of Idaho. I come from a large family. There were nine of us. My own family is a bit smaller with two wonderful daughters, and four grandchildren.

How and why did you decide to get published?

I initially started the traditional route, looking for an agent, but many of the authors I review convinced me to self-publish. The love and the freedom it gives, made me decide to give it a try. My oldest daughter is an avid reader and she loved the premise of the book and encouraged me to take it all the way.

What genre do you write?

Fantasy, although I am also working on a Cosy Mystery featuring, two sleuths who are sisters and total opposites of each other. It is still in the early stages, so we will see how it works out.

What is the story behind your book?

I have always loved the fantasy and magic genre and when I took a challenge for the National Writing program, I sat down without a real decision on what I would be writing. I had a dream the prior evening, and it weaved itself into the mix, and as I sat to write, the novel began to write itself.

If you write fiction; What’s the source of your inspiration? How much of YOU show up in your writing?

I have always used reading to escape the confines of the real world, and found that I could be anything I wanted to be through reading. I could become the hero of the book and the adventures became mine. I feel that who I am on the inside certainly plays a part in my stories, my inner child often finds herself a part of the mix.

Use one word/phrase to describe your book:


How have you found the writing process?

I love the process of the writing itself, I am not quite as fond of the editing. Although, it is awesome to watch the book become more polished and precise through that process.

Do you have a blog? What do you write about?

Yes, I read and review books for Authors, many of the Indie Authors. I review from the US, Europe and other countries. I post reviews on many different venues and really enjoy the work. Because I get so many books, it makes it a bit difficult to work on my own but I work it out. I post reviews on my own website, Blog Critics, The Romance Reviews, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Good Reads, Library Thing and Shelfari. I also try to always tweet a link for extra exposure. My Blog Critic reviews are often picked up by the Seattle PI and I have had at least one make it as far as the Huffington Post.

What books are on your shelf at home?

I am very eclectic, I read contemporary literature, suspense, thrillers, fantasy, science fiction, romance and just about everything else. I do not read much non-fiction; I enjoy the ability to become the protagonist too much.

Any awards/achievement you want to share?

I do not have any awards at this time. I am newly published, and hope to garner some interest in the book world. I will have to wait and see what the future brings.

Who’s your favourite author?

At this time, I really enjoy Laurel Dewey, she has a great mix of mystery, suspense and a bit of the paranormal thrown in. It is intoxicating, and a great reading experience.

What are you good at as an individual?

Being from such a large family and being the middle child, I have always been the peace keeper. I also believe I get things easier than some people. I have a very open mind and try to never have preconceived notions and so listen just a bit better. When I review, I try to bring some of that to the table.

What form of entertainment do you enjoy most and why?

I love reading and writing. Second to that is movies, and I especially like musicals. They are often corny but always uplifting, full of rhythm and easy to talk about.

What are your other interests?

Hmmm, I would have to say it is travel, because I can read, and spend time with my family.

Your favourite pet?

My favourite pet was our Chinese Sharpai that just passed away a few years ago. She was a wonderful friend and companion. I have not been able to think about replacing her yet.

What’s your choice meal/favourite restaurant?

Actually, my husband is a gourmet chef, albeit a stay at home one, and there is no one that does a better meal. He learned a great deal from his mother as she too was into the cooking scene. Because of his talent, I often find myself critical of the fare offered in many of the restaurants in our area.

What’s your music choice?

That too is very eclectic, although I love the music of the ‘80’s.’

Name your favourite city in the world.

I have not been to nearly enough places yet. So at this point, my favourite city would have to be Reno, Nevada.

Name your favourite world leader and why?

I am not very involved in politics, there is enough opinion without me adding my own.

If you had one wish, what would it be?

I would like to see the crisis in the Middle East come to an end. I would also like to do what I love, and that has always revolved around books, so I am getting there. The second wish will probably come sooner than the first.

What would you say you’re bad at?

I have never been a good details oriented person, I have a tendency to have my head in the clouds. I am more of an idea person, I am very visual and details tend to boor me.

Anything else your readers don’t know about you?

I am a mid-level manager in a large company. I deal with people on a daily basis and am involved in all aspects of the profits and success of my own particular part of that company.

What’s your favourite quote?

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~ Howard Thurman.

Why should a reader buy your book?

I believe it is a great book for the era we are in, it has a bit about renewal and is uplifting. It is a Fantasy and I expect it to create a feeling of hope in the reader. It is a fantasy about renewal, both personal and world. Renewal of resources is a common commodity and talked about at length, so this should also find some interest in a green conscious world.

What is your last word for your readers?

I hope you are able to enjoy the worlds I have put together. The splintered worlds are a beautiful community filled with extraordinary people. They care about their planets and care about the bounty that nature gives them. Magic is a unique and wondrous form of renewal and I hope you can see the beauty of the theme.

Where can your book be found/bought/website:

Thank you Leslie for taking time out to answer these questions.

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