
Sunday 6 June 2010

Any ideas on how to spice up any relationships?

Welcome to Flirty & Feisty Romance Blog!

This is my first post.

My vision is to post refreshing ideas on various romance topics to help improve relationships.

This blog is all about keeping the love fire aglow.

My passion has driven me to writing. I have just published my first contemporary romance fiction novel;
Loitering Shadows.

Loitering Shadows is hot, flirty, entertaining and sure to spruce up your relationships.

I'm very passionate about lighting up relationships. I've a few ideas I've tried out in my own marriage. And they have worked with sparkling results.

1. Wear sexy lingerie to bed has never failed to evoke those erotic sparks from my husband's eyes.

2. Get laid on the kitchen table top, in the living room, in the car, under the stars and in any other exciting place.

3. Buy a gift that he (she) can wear as a reminder; a necklace  with a photo pendant, a ring, a wristwatch etc.

I'll add more details to this idea in subsequent posts.

Thank you for visiting.

Flirty & Feisty Romance 
Our to deliver an intensely emotional experience you'll never forget.



  1. There are a lot of things that spice up marriages but I would like to say that for a marriage to work perfectly couples need to settle their scores within themselves without involving third party. Nomatter what the case may be, never allow third party to settle your scores

  2. Hmmm... Stephen's comment rings true. In my ten and half years marriage, we have never involved a third party (not even parents or siblings) in our affairs. I pray about any diffulty.

  3. I understand wearing 'smoking' night wear is a winner anyday, anytime with Mr. Right. Any response is welcome.
